メギド72BGM/Megido72 – Loki Rock you -INST ver.excite- [ロキ戦 BGM | イベント「この言葉、君に届け」ボス戦 BGM]

  • 2023.02.24
  • 2024.11.10更新
  • BGM
メギド72BGM/Megido72 – Loki Rock you -INST ver.excite- [ロキ戦 BGM | イベント「この言葉、君に届け」ボス戦 BGM]

I got this one from my JP friend today. He started liking it and wanted it on the channel. It’s another ost that is not available on any soundtrack album and is only available in the game.

Loki Battle Theme
JP Song Name: Loki Rock you -INST ver.excite –
Composer: Chihiro Yorisaki
Arrange: Chihiro Yorisaki, Ryo Yorisaki
コロシアム BGM
Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLoyNPVSSTo1EZfCtzy_3Dchc7xl06ufxd

この言葉、君に届け ボス戦
この言葉、君に届け ボス戦 BGM
ロキ 戦
ロキ BGM

About メギド72/Megido72 Songs: I’ve never played megido72 (i’m from brazil, it’s impossible). I’m just someone who likes the soundtrack of this game and posts on this channel the songs that i can’t find in youtube. I use the information from atwiki and gamewith to make the titles and thumbs, so if there are any mistakes, please tell me

#メギド72 #メギド72BGM


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